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Leadership and Staff



Teams play a very important role in our lives. We find the concept of team everywhere. In marriage, family, business, sports, broadcasting, politics, and in church and Christian activities. But, what is most important, we find it modeled throughout the Word of God.


When Christ sent out His disciples by two's, He established a pattern of team ministry, which continued, after His ascension. Thus, we see in the book of Acts extra-local ministry carried on by apostolic bands which were led by leaders coupled together, such as Peter/John or Paul/Barnabas, and later Paul/Silas and Barnabas/Mark. At the local level, elders in plurality were established to give guidance and care to each new community of believers. We never see by example of the New Testament where a leader, singularly, was set in to oversee the church. Ministry always functioned in the context of team. From Scripture and experience we have grown to appreciate the inherent wisdom and value of team ministry:


  • In the multitude of counselors there is safety and wisdom (Proverbs 11:14; 15:22; Ecclesiastes 4:10)

  • There is greater productivity (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

  • There is companionship (Ecclesiastes 4:11)

  • There is greater strength (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

  • No one person has all the needed gifts for a situation, thus, they can complement one another (Romans 12:3-8)

  • A team ministry provides a mini-workshop of how the whole body is supposed to function in coordination and cooperation with each other (1 Corinthians 12-14)



Team ministry is modeled in the Scriptures as the norm not the exception. Therefore, every believer must learn the value of teamwork. We must learn how to be an effective team-player. This requires relational, work, and team skill development. New Beginning Church is committed to this philosophy and process.

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